Top Five Tricks Every App Developer Should Know In 2024

An iOS app development company equips the best and most professional team of app developers who know pretty well about the updated app technologies, and updates. All the app developers should keep an eye on the tricks that will minimize their manual efforts, and bring them ease with the delivery of the projects in the real time environment. More than 75% of the clients come from referral, and after viewing your past portfolio, and if you manage to attain a positive feedback from the previous clients then, there are chances that your business will grow and you will end up getting more orders in future.

But, what are those tricks that all the app developers should know in order to maintain transparency and meet the performance measures? In this blog, we are going to explore the interesting tricks that will help you attain a strong digital presence, and make things easier for you. Are you ready to explore it with us? Let’s get started then!

Top Five Tricks For All The App Developers To Explore

In this section, we are going to explore the top most amazing tricks that will help you better understand the target audience, and come up with a concrete digital solution that matches the current standard of the market.

1.     Leveraging AI and Machine Learning Frameworks

It’s really important for app designers to leverage machine learning and AI features to give their app an extraordinary look and feel.

  • Personalization: AI can easily analyze the data to tailor content, and things according to the choices of the customers. For instance, if someone is more towards a particular product or loves to watch movies on a streaming site, the app will show them similar content and it’s all due to AI and ML. Tools like TensorFlow Lite and Core ML are ideal for mobile app AI development.
  • Process Automation: Now it’s easier to automate the tasks like customers supporting chatbots as we all know there are not real people behind the chat but a chatbot that is trained with different queries that a customer might ask while inquiring regarding any service. NLP processing and pre-trained models can also be a great initiative for increasing the functionalities and bringing in more customers organically.
  • Core Analytics: Lastly, AI driven analytics will help the customers get real time insights into the user’s behavior and help them to identify the trends, and predict the future and its upcoming inventions based on past patterns. Tools like Firebase Analytics, and Google Cloud AI offer robust analytics capabilities, giving clients an ever lasting experience.

2.     Optimization for Battery Life and Performance

To ensure that the app is working fine, and it’s performance is above the requirement there are certain things that one should know:

Code Optimization: The app developers should know how to profile a tool for identifying the performance bottlenecks, and optimizing the algorithms and data structures for minimizing the use of heavy operations on the main thread.Resource Management: Memory usages with tools like Android Profiler and Instruments like Xcode are easily used within the app development activity. Therefore, it’s important to optimize the usage of the technologies by caching the data, and using it for efficient purposes.

A mobile application development company in New York has been seen utilizing all the measures for optimizing the battery health of the apps, and making its performance more power packed.

iOS app development company
iOS app development company

3.     Focusing on the UI.UX of the Application

A customer creates an impression of the app in the starting .5 seconds and if the app fails to capture the audience then, there is no use of their high end technologies and UI designs.

  • Intuitive Navigation: An app designer should design the app wireframes using clear and predictable paths that makes the customers easy to use. Use familiar patterns, and elements like navigation bar, tab bar, and bottom navigation to enhance the visibility of the items.
  • Consistency is the Key: One should use design systems like Google Material Design or Apple Human Interface Guidelines to maintain the visually appealing look of the app, and increase the engagement rate.

4.      Embracing Cross Platform Capabilities

When you’re developing any app for the clients, don’t just stick to one platform at a time. Infact, one should think about some other platforms as well, like Android and iOS compatibility.

  • Frameworks: utilization of frameworks like Flutter, React Native and Xamarin for creating cross platform applications. However, these frameworks allow you to write a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms without any issues.
  • Code Reusability: Designing the app architecture with modularity and separating the business logic from the platform-specific code for maximizing the code reusability.

5.     Implementing all the Security Measures

Lastly, the app developer should implement all the security measures to ensure that no malware attack could take place within the app designing and development. Quick Data Encryption: As soon as the customer adds up the data, it should be encrypted as it consists of sensitive data like personal information, number, email address, and a lot more. A lot of fraudial activities can take place using this data, and the app developer should work to strengthen the privacy.

User Authentication: The app developer should implement all the security practices to ensure that only authorized users can access the app. Methods like OAuth 2.0, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and biometric authentication (fingerprint, facial recognition) would help in achieving the benchmark.

Wrapping Up

We tried to cover up all the necessary tricks within the blog. However, if you’re researching for “how much does it cost to build an app” then, you need to first list down your app’s features and functionalities in a document. Based on that data, you may get an estimation, still the costing will increase if there are certain APIs integration for a smooth user experience. Ensure that you’re following all the mentioned tricks within the app design and development process.